Friday, November 13, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

I must apologize for taking so long to get pictures of Halloween and pumpkins and other such things posted. I didn't have the memory card for my camera, and we don't have a cable, so the pictures were stuck on the internal memory. That is, until today when we were able to get a new memory card and transfer the pictures.
We had a really fun "Halloween" time. Carving pumpkins was a blast, we all enjoyed ourselves as we had a fun family home evening creating our "masterpieces"!

Nice pumpkins huh? The hardest part was deciding what to carve into the pumpkins. Once we did, Eric put his carving skills to the test. The task was made a lot easier due to the fact that he used his Jig-saw to do the cutting! Good thinking eh!


sdralphs said...

Cute mara moo! Your girls are adorable and I want to meet them! I miss you and laughing with you!

Super B said...

Cool. I love the pumpkins. Claire has so much HAIR!! whoa.