And Woolley Baby Number Three is a........
It is pretty plain to see that there don't seem to be any boy parts there. They are pretty dang sure it's a girl!

A picture of the baby's ear

Profile picture of Baby Girl #3! It was so fun to see her in there during the ultra sound. She kept gulping and you could see her swallowing, I was just taken back by how amazing this is!

It was really fun to have an ultra sound done. I didn't realize how exciting it is. I mean, I have had ultra sounds done before. I just didn't realize how exciting it still is despite being the third baby. It was so awesome to see her in there moving. What a MIRACLE this is! No, we were not "planning" on having another baby so soon. But I truly am grateful for this opportunity. And I am freaked out of my mind, but I take comfort in knowing that my Father in Heaven is mindful of me and knows what I can handle. I may still break down and feel like this is a little out of control, or maybe a lot out of control. But I do know that this baby is meant to come into our lives and be a part of our family!
Yeah, another girl!!! There are 7 girls in my family and we are all pretty close and it is was so fun. You are a good mom, you will be awesome! Congratulations.
Gotta love it - Three girls!! A growing healthy family it just doesn't get any better than that. Congrats, I hope all continues to go well for you and your family.
Oh that is just exciting!!! You will get through what ever comes your way. You are an amzing person! Just think of how close they will be...I loved being close to my sisters!
How fun! Another girl will be great cause you guys already know what you are doing with girls. It is funny you guys have the exact opposite of us! :)
Yeah for baby girl #3!! It is definitely going to be a party when all are teenagers. Your family is so darling. Hope you see you very soon.
another girl! Congrats love! If anyone can master motherhood of three lovely girls it is you!!!!
So cute. Can't wait to meat her. Love you guys. Come visit soon!
CONGRATS on kiddo 3! This is Marty - the chic that you sent the comment to. I know exactly who you are. We took a Child Development class at BYUI, I think in the winter of 2006. We met in that class. I think that it was Sister Baker? I don't exactly remember if that's her name or not. Holy smokes - you must have had a kid pretty quickly after that class right? Now onto kiddo number 3. Where are you guys living, and up to? We are in Indy going to Med School and will be done and off to Residency in another 2 years. Still a long road ahead but we are widdleing at it. Well - congrats! Hope to hear from you again. Do you facebook too?
Congrats! Marty
well you definitely know girls! Congrats Sarah! We totally have to get together soon! Are you available next wednesday??
congrats!!!! yay for 3 girls!
Congrats!!! That is exciting! You have such cute girls already how fun to have another one!! I"m loving having a girl, they are so fun but boys are are just fun in general huh?! They bring so much joy into our lives!!! Hope all is well!
Congratulations on your little girl! It's so scary and so exciting. You and I are only due about ten days apart. Cool!
By the way, you should totally count the chocolate dipped strawberries as a fruit AND dairy. I would.
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