I have to admit that taking pictures has kind of not been something I have been doing a lot lately. But there are things that my girls are doing and do every day, that I want to be sure and remember. Here is a little post just to show how AmAzInGlY BEAUTIFUL my little girls are! I just love them to pieces and laugh just thinking of the crazy things they do and the things they come up with!
Ericka just loves Make-Up! She was so very proud of herself for putting this make-up on all by herself!
Believe it or not, Claire actually made this mess of her face all by herself!

Ericka just thinks that showing off food is pretty funny...I personally think it's kind of gross!

I think Claire likes chocolate almost as much as I do, here is the proof!

You can't tell a whole lot, but here is another picture or Ericka with make-up on. It is a pretty regular thing for her to get into my pretties, and doll herself up!

If these girls don't make you smile, there must be something wrong with you! Seriously, pictures don't do them justice. They sure keep me busy. And I say that in a good and a bad way. Some days I think I want to go crazy because I am so frustrated with them being so "creative" and "CRAZY". Other days, I just lavish in their silliness and how super SWEET they are! Having kids sure brings out the BEST and the WoRsT in us...well, I guess I am speaking for myself, so the best and the worst in me.
Ericka looks so grown up in that last picture! Claire still looks exactly like you!!!
They are cute and I know they can make you crazy sometimes...but remember to laugh and love their silliness more. You are wonderful and I love and miss you and your girls.
you know, I won't be able to come out this summer. I am due the beginning of Aug. Maybe you should plan a trip out in the fall??? love you.
Your girls are so dang cute even if they are covered in goop. Hee hee.
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