Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More Pictures...Alaska Adventures!

I am so excited to have a good enough internet connection to be able to post pictures...I have so many to share! Here they are!!
One of the nice days we had here in Cordova, we were able to go out to Strawberry Beach with family and friends. We had such a fun time picnicking, running around, and playing in the water!

The kids just loved wandering around exploring and playing to their hearts content! Claire was so fun to watch...she was just fascinated by the sandy beach!

My gorgeous mother with Ty ( my brother Hyrum's youngest child)
Claire, Mom, and Ty loving the water!!
Playing in the water...I swear my mom is the best grandma, that is besides my mother-in-law Sharon.
What a handsome guy...one of my favorite dudes, my dad!
Another one of my favorite dudes, my brother Hyrum!
Grandpa with Ericka. He was trying to coax her to go into the deeper water...she is pretty hesitant about things, and this was no exception!
Ericka, Claire, Graci, and Grandma. While finding a spot to go pee, I found this cool ball-shaped bouy...the kids really enjoyed playing with it!

Claire just loved the feel of the sand, she was all over in the stuff!
Ericka and Graci building things out of sand.

Give 'em a cup and a couple of things to build with and they are entertained for hours!
Claire loved this blue shovel of Ty and Graci's. She held onto that thing for a long time!

Claire enjoying some yummy yogurt!
Playing in the Eyak Lake. On sunny days, the girls just love going to the lake to play. Although, we haven't had too many sunny days. Ericka was so proud of herself for going so deep into the water!
Claire enjoying one of her favorites, cottage cheese!
The girls riding their bikes!

The girls in the cabin of my dad's bay-liner. They love to play down there. When he was working on the boat they liked to go out there to play in the cabin while he tooled around.

When we first got here back in April, the weather was pretty decent. And in May we enjoyed a couple of really sunny, beautiful weeks. Since then, we haven't had much sunshine, maybe a day here and a day there. We are a little tired of all the rain, but have enjoyed our time in Alaska never-the-less.

1 comment:

Annie Taylor said...

I really enjoyed your blog & the outdoor pics. You have very lovely family. I loved the pics of the moose and fish.
blessings to you.