Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Woolley Clan

A lot has been going on this summer. Shortly after Lilly was born, she had surgery. While her and I were in Anchorage for that, Eric was here in Cordova with my parents and Ericka and Claire. They were super busy moving from their house by the lake to a different one. My parents just sold their house and had to be out by the first of August.
Trying not to get "bogged" down by the miserable weather has been a little challenging. Whenever it isn't raining, we try to do fun stuff outside. On Saturday my dad took the family down the Eyak River Silver salmon fishing. We have had a fun summer despite some unexpected things happening.

Precious little Lilly!

Dad and two of his girlies!
Ericka with her little sis Lilly...always holding her and being a little mommy!
I love this picture of Eric and Ericka!
This isn't the greatest picture of Lilly's scar, but you at least get the idea of what it looks like. It is really healing up well. You can't even see it when you aren't really looking for it by moving Lilly's head and pulling the skin tight. It blends in with the folds of her skin. It is a pretty big scar, going from midway in the front of her neck almost all the way to the middle of her back. It is probably about four to four and a half inches long. She is getting so chubby that you really can't even see it in the folds of her neck.
Ericka absolutely LOVES her little Lilly! She is such a little mommy and loves holding her all the time!
I can't believe how quickly Lilly is growing! Looking at this particular picture, she seems so big!
Claire got into the cupcakes this morning! Like most kids, her favorite part is the frosting!
All in all, we have really enjoyed our time here in Alaska. We are adjusting to having three kids. Believe me when I tell you, going from one to two kids is a piece of cake compared to going from two to three. This really is going to take some getting used to. The girls are each precious gems, and we just need to remember that when we are pulling our hair out trying to deal with them!


Unknown said...

I can't believe how long Claires hair has gotten. They are getting sooooo big. I can't wait to see you guys again. Looks like you had tons of fun with your time up there. It'll be nice to have you closer to me though. Love you guys lots.

Nelson Family said...

Beautiful girls! I don't know how you do 3, I'm still trying to figure out just one! Where are you guys headed next?

Super B said...

Wow...you posted a ton!! I am glad! It is nice to see what you all have been up to. It is sad to see all the pics of Lilly in the hospital. But so good to see how she is doing now!! And the other girls are getting so big! Love and miss you all!!

Bryon And Hope said...

OH my Gosh, Sarah I cant handle it I freaking miss you guys... So fun to see what you have been up to cant wait to catch up IN PERSON :-) Call soon fly home safe see ya when ya get hear :-)

Ryan, Marilyn, and Karalee said...

Holy cow! I tell ya what those kids of yours are freakin cute and totally hilarious. Claire has grown up so much I hardly recognize her! So glad everything is going well, hey when do you guys get back around here, miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara! Its Erin G, I found your blog off of one of our friends! Congrats on the new little one- she's a doll, just like the other 2! We moved to IF and someone in our ward said he had classes with Eric or something- he also said your moving back to IF? Are you really? If you do, call me!

Damara said...

Hope your little girl's all recovered now!